Thursday, April 17, 2014

The ABC Train - Learn the alphabet!: A book with fruits and vegetables!

This isn't your basic abc book. Okay, it does the abc thing with pictures but it has something that makes it a bit special, something that is different. Just like so many books in this genre it uses fruits and vegetables to help a child learn the alphabet but it also asks about colors. I know, you are thinking that is really not that special but this book shows actual fruit and as I am sure you know, in the real world real, fruit is not all one color. This creates the great opportunity to discuss colors, letters, sounds and so forth.

This is the perfect book to actually have a conversation with you child about learning. It is colorful and interesting. Grab yourself a copy and have fun with your child as they learn.

Amazon Book Description

The ABC Train will help your child learn the alphabet!

Learning the alphabet can be fun!

This book is full with 26 photos of fruits and vegetables, one for each letter of the alphabet!
Some of the fruits look really funny and your child will like them a lot.
If the ugli fruit really ugli? Did your child ever saw a dragon fruit? Now your child can discover new fruits and learn the alphabet in the same time!

Reading Friendly

The ABC Train - Learn the alphabet!: A book with fruits and vegetables!

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